Is it worth having Private Health Insurance for Pregnancy in Australia?
There is no doubt in the fact that pregnancy is a challenging and stressful time. Expecting parents have to go through many ups and downs that they might not have imagined earlier. Making informed decisions about giving birth becomes quite a task, like whether you will opt for the public medical system or the private one.
One such important decision that you must make is having health insurance for pregnancy. Public health insurance for pregnancy in Australia is a good choice however; private health insurance comes with greater benefits. Having it for your child and the mother can help put your mind at ease.
The following blog will help you understand if having private health insurance is worth it or not.
Need of Private Health Insurance for Pregnancy in Australia
Both medical systems in Australia - public and private ensure quality healthcare for the newborn baby and mothers at the time of pregnancy and birth. However, private health insurance is a better choice when it comes to choosing health insurance for pregnancy in Australia. With private health insurance, you can:
• Pick your obstetrician and get medical care when needed
• Carry out all your pregnancy services including birth in a private hospital
• Accommodate in a private room if there is one available
• Receive in-patient Assisted Reproductive Services (ARS) for the treatment of infertility (only if included in your policy)
Understanding your Pregnancy Health Cover in Australia
Health coverage for pregnancy can vary from provider to provider, and even with the same provider. Therefore, you must know about:
• What do you want to be covered for during your pregnancy?
• How long is the waiting period and when you can claim?
• Whether there are extras included or not?
• Whether there are hidden costs or not?
There are two types of health insurance for pregnancy in Australia:
• Hospital – with this health cover, you can pay a benefit towards costs for example, hospital room or accommodation bills, labor ward, and some doctors’ fees.
• Extras – with this health cover, you can cover costs for medical services from professionals like lactation consultants, midwives, and much more.
Expert Tips for Choosing the Right Private Health Insurance for Pregnancy in Australia
We have jotted down some helpful tips for you in choosing the right private health insurance for pregnancy in Australia.
Factor in waiting periods
At the time considering the benefits of private health insurance, whether they are right for the child and the mother, note that there are waiting periods involved. You must be well aware of those waiting times so, you do not have to get in trouble by paying expensive medical bills. Waiting periods for pregnancy are usually 12 months however, it may vary from provider to provider. To be on the safe side, include your pregnancy and birth cover on your hospital cover 12 months before your baby is born.
Out-of-pocket costs
The next thing you have to consider is whether there are out-of-pocket costs or not. It is a good idea to have a word with your doctor about it and ask him to provide you with a breakdown of the out-of-pocket costs that you might have incurred throughout your pregnancy. Sometimes, there are hidden costs too, be aware of them. Let your provider tell you everything so, you are at ease when you need your insurance claim.
Cover your family’s ongoing needs
The benefits of your private health cover for pregnancy do not have to get over with the delivery of your newborn baby. You must know that private health insurance helps you with your and your family’s ongoing needs and includes various extra services for example post-natal classes, physiotherapy, and the least expected, swimming classes. Ask your provider and be clear about whether or not your policy cover these things.
Budget Policy is a leading platform where all your healthcare needs are sorted. Be it, you need OSHC or OVHC, parent insurance or family insurance, we have got you covered. Our platform helps you compare and buy from the major providers across the country.
So, without any further ado, get in touch with our experts today and let your health be in safe hands.